courses and coaching in spiritual fathering-

  • You can be the spiritual leader that you were made to be.

  • Learn to share your life

  • leave a legacy

  • and multiply your impact for the kingdom!

You can do it

  • Start with a Divine connection

    Embarking on a spiritual fathering journey is about forging a divine connection, nurturing a profound relationship with God that’s shared, and cultivating a heart connection that goes deeper than the superficial. Enrolling in a spiritual fathering course guides one in the spiritual wisdom of those who’ve gone before. As we walk this path, our aim is to make a lasting impact in the lives of others, leaving a legacy that transcends genereations.

  • Intentionally share Your Life

    Men traditionally don’t like to share, and yet we all crave a deeper connection with others. You will be encouraged and mentored toward deeper and more impactful relationships with your family, co-workers, and church. Jesus’ model of relationship built a movement that changed the world. Find your place in that journey through Spiritual Fathering.

  • Leave a Generational Inheritance

    A spiritual inheritance begins with the first step of commitment to Fathering. Good fathers leave their children much more than money and property. Good fathers leave their children and families through deep commitment to Christ and the Heavenly reward of the riches of heaven. The Kingdom of God is here and now. Learn how to live a life worthy of the Godly inheritance that you were promised in your divine destiny.