I’m John Wallace
My life has been a blessing. For the last several decades I have had the privilege of walking with pastors, leaders of non-profit organizations, and leaders in the marketplace. It didn’t happen on purpose at first, but what was revealed to me was that I was FATHERING them.
Walking with them.
Praying with them.
Shepherding them.
Loving them.
Teaching, mentoring, leading, encouraging, and multiplying.
Through a process of vulnerable and honest conversations, you can also learn how to BE fathered, and how to FATHER others. Whether the coaching relationship or in the Spiritual Fathering Course, we will talk about leadership, parenting, and what it means to be a good husband.
I’ve been married to Suzanne since 1971 and we have 3 children and 8 grandchildren. We haven’t been perfect, but we have seen God move in powerfuly ways our entire marriage. I want to share with you what I’ve learned so that you can have additional motivation to be a good leader and father in your home, church, and areas of influence.